Privacy Policy

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information

addlight Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") may collect personal information through proper and fair means only with the consent of the individual concerned. In addition, personal information will be used only within the scope of the purpose after clarifying the purpose of use.

2. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without prior consent of users, unless required by law or for other legitimate reasons.

3. Proper Management of Personal Information

The Company shall prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information that it has obtained, and it shall implement necessary and appropriate security management to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date.

4. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection

The Company will strive to continuously improve its handling of personal information in response to changes in its business activities, as well as changes in the surrounding legal, social, and IT environments.

5. Response to Complaints and Consultations

The Company will respond appropriately and promptly to consultations and complaints regarding its handling of personal information, as well as requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, suspension of use, etc.

Last Revised May 1, 2017

Purpose of Use

The personal information collected by addlight Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) will be used for the following purposes.

・To provide information and conduct sales activities related to its products and services
・To provide information on its latest news and various events, and to consult about becoming speakers in future events
・Personalization of its website and e-mail services
・Use in recruiting activities
・Input of business cards
・Responding to inquiries

The Company will not use the personal information entrusted to it for any purpose other than those listed above.

Cookie Policy

The Company uses cookies to improve their services to their customers and to distribute advertisements and promote its products.
Cookies are a mechanism that stores the usage history, input contents, and other information sent and received between Internet browsing software (browser) and the server as a file on the customer's computer when the customer uses a web page. If you have set your browser to allow the sending and receiving of cookies, the Company may retrieve the cookies stored on your computer and link the collected behavioral history to your personal information.

In addition, the Company may refer to cookies stored on the customer's computer via third parties to whom the Company outsources the delivery of advertisements, etc., or via web pages other than this website, to deliver advertisements for the Company's products and to conduct advertising, etc.
You may set your browser to allow cookies, refuse cookies, or notify you when cookies are received. Please note that if you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to receive some of the services provided by the Company.

Created on February 21, 2018